They ask thee to hasten on the Punishment (for them): had it not been for a term (of respite) appointed, the Punishment would certainly have come to them: and it will certainly reach them,- of a sudden, while they perceive not!
They ask thee to hasten on the Punishment: but, of a surety, Hell will encompass the Rejecters of Faith!-
On the Day that the Punishment shall cover them from above them and from below them, and (a Voice) shall say: "Taste ye (the fruits) of your deeds!"
Every soul shall have a taste of death in the end to Us shall ye be brought back.
Those who persevere in patience, and put their trust, in their Lord and Cherisher.
If indeed thou ask them who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law), they will certainly reply, "Allah". How are they then deluded away (from the truth)?
Allah enlarges the sustenance (which He gives) to whichever of His servants He pleases; and He (similarly) grants by (strict) measure, (as He pleases): for Allah has full knowledge of all things.
Now, if they embark on a boat, they call on Allah, making their devotion sincerely (and exclusively) to Him; but when He has delivered them safely to (dry) land, behold, they give a share (of their worship to others)!-
Disdaining ungratefully Our gifts, and giving themselves up to (worldly) enjoyment! But soon will they know.
And those who strive in Our (cause),- We will certainly guide them to our Paths: For verily Allah is with those who do right.